Chinese Speaking Sales Staff (#065)

Electricity company expanding its sales into various other industries

Language :

  • Chinese (Native Level)
  • Japanese (Conversational)

Recruitment Background

  • Our company`s electricity service was mainly for corporations in the Kanto region, but in the future we will establish a company specializing in several industries. It is a recruitment for a sales position, but as it is in the start-up phase, we are looking for people who can take the initiative in business and organizational development with the local sales manager! As we start a new company, we will welcome a person who is willing to help in the growth of the company while pursuing her/his own growth. We will set up sales companies all over Japan (except Okinawa)!

Job Description

  • Sales proposal to Chinese corporations
  • Industry-specific sales

Job Requirements:


  • People who can speak Chinese
  • People who can speak Japanese (There is no problem even if you are not confident in Japanese)


  • Experience in sales
  • Korean language proficiency

Location :

Salary :
¥2.5M JPY~


    Registration form

    required Your Name
    First name Middle Name Last Name

    required Birthday
    Day Month Year

    required Current Location

    required Phone number

    required Mail ID

    required Proficiency in Japanese

    Speaking : 

    Reading : 

    Writing :

    required Self Introduction

    Our smart self introduction section is a free space to share your enthusiasm and highlight your strengths.
    Please mention what motivates or excites you and what do you have to offer.

    Upload resume

    English CV:


    ※All information are confidential.