Game Development Engineer (Server Side) (#JiJ001)

The company is a major social game provider listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Language :

  • Japanese (Business Level)

Job description :

  • Participate in the game development project for smartphones as server side in-charge.
  • PHP and Python are currently used as the development language but even other languages or technologies are welcome after consultation with the team members

Job Requirements:


  • Those who have been in charge of Web Application designing
  • At least 2 years of development experience in LAMP environment (PHP or Python preferred)


  • Development experience with Unity
  • Development experience on iOS, Android
  • Game development experience
  • Team Leader experience
  • Experience developing from requirement definition

** Open to non-residents with very high Japanese language proficiency
* Please register with 履歴書 and 職務経歴書

Location :
Tokyo & Osaka

Salary :
¥5M -¥10 M


    Registration form

    required Your Name
    First name Middle Name Last Name

    required Birthday
    Day Month Year

    required Current Location

    required Phone number

    required Mail ID

    required Proficiency in Japanese

    Speaking : 

    Reading : 

    Writing :

    required Self Introduction

    Our smart self introduction section is a free space to share your enthusiasm and highlight your strengths.
    Please mention what motivates or excites you and what do you have to offer.

    Upload resume

    English CV:


    ※All information are confidential.