Investment Banker (#023)

The company is a boutique securities company based in Tokyo, Osaka and Singapore

Language :

  • Japanese (Business Level)

Job description :

  • New M & A transaction development (especially sales of M & A), proposal to customers, negotiation
  • Developing customers for listed companies, proposing to customers (rights offering, warrants, CB, etc.)
  • Developing customers such as major shareholders of listed companies, proposing to customers
  • Develop customer, propose to customers (factoring for medical institutions, dispensing pharmacies, nursing care providers, structured finance such as securitization/LBO loans, real estate secured loans, brokerage of real estate sales etc.)

Job Requirements:

Mandatory (At least 3 years of experience):

  • Coverage at business corporations related to banking / securities
  • Coverage at financial/advisory company
  • M & A intermediary service

Location :

Salary :
¥5M -¥15 M


    Registration form

    required Your Name
    First name Middle Name Last Name

    required Birthday
    Day Month Year

    required Current Location

    required Phone number

    required Mail ID

    required Proficiency in Japanese

    Speaking : 

    Reading : 

    Writing :

    required Self Introduction

    Our smart self introduction section is a free space to share your enthusiasm and highlight your strengths.
    Please mention what motivates or excites you and what do you have to offer.

    Upload resume

    English CV:


    ※All information are confidential.